Thursday, May 2, 2013

Q&A with ANHC

Today I called ANHC to interview the staff about the center and what it is like to provide care to the underserved. I spoke with someone named Jennifer, and here is what she told me... (Responses are paraphrased.)

1. How does someone become a patient at ANHC?

Anyone can become a patient at ANHC. All they have to do is schedule an appointment over the phone.

2. How many patients do you serve in a typical year?

Last year, ANHC saw 5,000 patients between the two centers. Overall, there were 12,000 encounters which averages to two visits per patients. ANHC often sees patients more than once a year. (Possibly indicative of their follow up care?)

3. Has the center been able to extend clinic hours since it received the HRSA grant? How has that affected patient experiences? 

Yes. On Tuesdays, we are now open until 7pm. This gives patients the opportunity to come in after work and for children to come in without missing school. We hope to expand more, but it is only our first year with the federal grant. 

4. Do you make specialty referrals? Where do patients go to seek care?

Yes--they go to specialty physicians in surrounding counties and cities such as Gainesville, Gwinnett, Augusta. This is because Athens physicians do not take Medicare or Medicaid patients. Uninsured patients are also referred, but they must pay out-of-pocket fees to the specialist upfront. These fees range from $300-$500. 

5. How is the center expanding?

We are finishing our first year as an FQHC, so we must spend a lot of time on paperwork and staff training. We hope to expand more in the future, especially in terms of staff and extending clinic hours. We would like to extend specialty services, but it is our first year with the grant.

6. How do you collaborate with other providers in the safety net?

We refer patients to other centers like Mercy and Athens Nurses Clinic.

7. What is the biggest challenge to running a health center?

Securing the funds to ensure the appropriate staff and support staff

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